
Multiple applications redesigned for internal use at the BC Ministry of Health.

HealthNetBC portal page HealthNetBC portal page mobile layout

Charts & Graphs

A sampling of charts & graphs produced for the Health Sector Performance Portal (HSPP) project for the BC Ministry of Health.

charts and graphs

CGI Signature

An email signature designed during my time working for Consultants to Government and Industry (CGI).

CGI Signature

UI Styleguide

A UI styleguide inspired by the Super Famicom game Super Bomberman 5.

UI styleguide with grid, colours, graphics, and form components

Ozy Ad Units

Volvo & Intel ad units designed for Ozy Media. Credits: photography & logos by a third party.

Volvo ad depicting a vehicle and an Intel ad depicting a hand holding rocks

Bee Watch

A beehive monitoring app designed to track honey bees and their mortal enemy the varroa mite. Credits: icons by the Noun Project.

A mockup depicting one of the screens for the Bee Watch bee hive monitoring software

Issue Tracking

Web interface design for a Cisco mobile app used for tracking mission critical issues.

Four atlantic mobile mockups. Each screen depicts a different part of a escalation management system

Text&Pixel Identity

Branding for a small web design studio. Outlines the primary colours, type and logo usage.

Text&Pixel identity card with logo, primary colours and a pattern of goldan bees against a black background

Suggestion Box

Web interface designed for receiving and displaying team related feedback. Made for an internal group at Cisco.

An app used to accept suggestions on how a team can make improvements. Contains a dropdown box where the user can select sprint, an input for what went well and an input for what is not working and how it can be fixed

Mockup Review

Single page web application designed for browsing and approving mockups.

A web application for displaying mockups

Epicure Slider

With a strong emphasis on layout, type and photography this mini site was built to demonstrate ways in which Epicure could market its products online. Credits: illustrations by Donna Georgina.

A page explaining that epicure uses the best ingredients in the world